So says the can, anyway. It's not really great or anything, just ok, but with kind of a weird aftertaste. On the plus side, it made me think of that wonderful song. One time, I was at a school here and I guess Edelweiss was the song for the month, so at the morning meeting thing, they sang it. I had that meeting with the special ed class, so I sang it with them. It was weird because they sang it in Japanese, and then again in English, but just phonetically, without knowing what it meant. Everyone thought I was awesome at it. I'm going to miss that about this job when I stop doing it.
I realize that some of my readers are dealing with hot summers right now, and I sympathize, but I'd like to complain for a minute that it is constantly disgustingly humid here, and always over 30 degrees Celsius during the day, so you just sweat and sweat and none of it evaporates at all.
Also there are so many bugs here it is crazy. My house is conveniently protected by a veritable wall of spiders, so it's not so bad right here. I mean, there are at least 10 different spider webs, each with a spider ranging from smaller than a dime to larger than a quarter, just on the stairs up to my apartment. I have purposely done nothing to hinder these spiders, and actually have tried picking up some of the slower bugs and tossing them gently into the webs just to help them out because I hate the mosquitos and I want an army of spiders eating them for me.
From being outside for maybe an hour and a half last week at a festival, I got 11 mosquito bites on my left leg and a few on my right, to boot. I think these mosquitos are tiger mosquitos or something. They are terrible. As in, I was standing there fanning people off, as was my job, and then I would suddenly feel a sting that felt the size of a hypodermic needle. I'd look down and see only the bite, the mosquito having taken off. The bites are disgusting, not like a normal mosquito bite, which just looks like a red bump. These bites look like bruises, and at first I could actually see the hole that the mosquitos made because there was still blood where their proboscis had been. Like it was bleeding for a second, but then stopped.
So, the spiders and the frogs and even the couple of lizards who live behind an outdoor light on the wall can stay and eat as many of those bugs as they can. I will stay inside my house and drink my Edelpils.