I guess this is the original Sapporo beer? So says the can. It's a limited edition. There are plenty of seasonally limited things, but this one is actually limited by the number they have made. Pretty good.

Fall beer is back! Awesome! Also, salami flavored Pringles. Not bad, but I don't know if I would say it is an accurate representation of salami's flavor.

This fish is called sanma, which I guess is a kind of pike. I read that it is in season and found out how to cook it, which is basically just like normal, but with salt and grated daikon, which made it awesome. It's pretty oily, but the daikon sort of sucks up the oil and goes with it really well. I will probably buy some more.

I forgot why I took this picture. I think it was to show off that snack, which is some kind of weird fish with sesame seeds on it. It is a mystery! But that is what I get for not updating ever.

This is tobiuo, or flying fish. They're pretty good in a whitefish kind of way. They're not oily or anything and you don't really have to do much to cook them. I looked for recipes, but the only ones I found were from the bahamas or something and I couldn't get all the ingredients, nor did I feel like looking for them all, so I just cooked them like normal and that worked out.

Here are some weird sandwiches I made from fried rice and yakisobi. I got a ton of this little rolls for free, so I was trying to eat them all up before they went bad. I appreciated it, but then I had to go back to rice hardcore (three times a day, usually) and it was like what I imagine going cold turkey off an addiction is like. Rice just has nothing on bread.
I played soccer today, which was pretty fun, although I scraped up my leg a bit by sliding. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your body, though. I've been working on the probability of rock, paper, scissors and its effectiveness as a method of selection in groups because that seemed like an applicable use of my interest in math. I want to present the work, if I finish it, at one of the conferences here, knowing that most people would find it really boring. I don't care because I have to sit through lots of other people's boring talks at those things. I was told that that made me a bad person. ???
Obviously I put no real effort into this update.
mmm, a theoretically perfect random selection process... ruined by man's carnal desire to choose rock.
More math randomness: in "The Proof", it's key that "every elliptical [sic] curve is a modular form"... We recall from that number theory project that e-curves are great tools for modular arithmetic, but do you have any guesses exactly what they mean by a "modular form"? I'm nerdly enough that this has been bothering me lately.
Konbanwa, mathjin.
Actually, I do not know what that means, but now I think I'll have to find out.
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