Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Saturnalia

I'm just sitting here drinking my traditional Christmas milk tea from a vending machine, so I thought I'd post some marginally Christmas related links. First, apparently Christmas in the Alps is way awesomer.

That's some pre-Christian era stuff, but since this is CHRISTmas, how about some news related to terrible Christian allegory books/movies. Yeah, I'm talking about Narnia, from everyone's favorite racist/sexist, C.S. Lewis. If you enjoyed these books or the movies, bad news, because production on the third movie seems to have hit a little snag. They'll probably find somebody else to make it, but one can only hope they don't leave out any of the brilliance of scenes like this one. I realize that movie came out some time ago, but I don't really pay attention to that kind of thing, and I only recently heard about the hilarity that is this bear.

I guess the bear has become something of an internet phenomenon. It's not quite as good as this milkshake bit, but it's pretty good. Because I'm in the giving Christmas mood, here's a milkshake remix for you, too.

I realize these clips have nothing to do with Christmas, so here's another good Christmas song. And another one from the same guy, though this version is probably better. And yet another one. And something from Otis Redding. Finally, I'm sure oldies stations in America have played this into the ground by now, but I don't exactly listen to those here and it's good once in a while. Alright, that's it. Happy Festivus.


Marisa said...

hey. i need you to send ,e the reservation stuff for paris and you are not responding to any of my emails!!!!!! please do!!!

the j link said...

hey, remember doing that travesty of "schoolhouse rock" for summer rep? that stupid "three is a magic number" song I was supposed to lead? having to count by threes up to thirty, over and over? not being able to do it?

I still can't. 3 6 9, 12 16 18, 24 21 27, 30. it's easier to do powers of three up to 3^10, if only it didn't take so many syllables. 19683 doesn't fit very well.

pleasant festivus from a math übernerd.

Hot Topologic said...

I'm getting fuzzy math deja vu of number theory with powers of primes.