To slow this blog's descent into nothingness, I thought I'd post an announcement that I finally finished my responsibilities for this quarter with a few hours of grading exams. It's very frustrating having to deal with people who lie to your face about turning things in that they didn't and people who cheat just cleverly enough not to get caught, and even worse, people who do both. Ah, well, good luck getting into med school with a C in what's basically a high school math course.
The weather was fantastic today, so after spending hours in a gray windowless office, I took the opportunity to read the internet and promptly fall asleep. Maybe I'll come up with something to put up to match Dan's bizarre short story-like post. Recombobulation indeed.
Update: Since apparently Sarah is in Milwaukee, she should be careful:
Thank you for the Milwaukee shout out. That is basically how I feel on planes.
Are you writing nice things on your students' hw like "good drawing" and "nice graph"? I once had a TA who did that.
You have to comment if they draw nice graphs. Dealing with bio major seniors, however, demands some different skills. For example, you have to wade through paragraph-long answers that could be summed up in three words, and you have to learn to zone out people bugging you about getting one more point on something because the .0001% change it will make to their final grade could keep them out of med school.
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