Monday, May 24, 2010

Now that Lost has supposedly ended (I did not watch it, but it's all over the internet), I'm expecting a bevy of posts from the Losties soon, but maybe not. It seems the consensus is that the finale was lame and didn't answer any interesting questions (again, I don't know which those are).

For my part, I just watched Superman: Doomsday, which was pretty good. In a way, it is disappointing because it's just a little story. When DC killed Superman, it was a big deal (like even non-comic nerds bought those issues). Then there is a long saga of four dudes claiming to be Superman taking over and us finding out who they all are, and eventually it segues into Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern, becoming Parallax and all this junk. Anyway, it's a huge deal, not just for Metropolis, but for people in general. In this movie, we don't get to see anything but Metropolis, and that is almost distracting, since I couldn't help thinking that when a somewhat evil Superman shows up and starts laying down the law, it seems unlikely to me that somebody like Batman would just let it happen and not try to Kryptonite the guy. There are just so many things that could happen, but we get a little story about Lex Luthor and then Superman just unceremoniously comes back to life and we get a battle Royale, which would be way more entertaining if it was with Captain Marvel or something. Ah, just limitations on movies.

Anyway, there's not much going on here. It's just muggy and gross. That's it for me.

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