Friday, June 11, 2010

World Cup

I guess the world cup is starting (has started?), so I will post my thoughts on that. Here they are:

It is boring.

I don't get why soccer fans are so insecure about their sport. Yes, Americans don't like it. It's not that we don't understand it, at least not in any cases I've ever seen. We just don't like it. We have other sports that are just more interesting. We have seen it and fail to see why you would get so excited about 88 minutes of low-speed passing and maybe two minutes of anything meaningful.

Only soccer fans don't get this. I like hockey and of course was crazy excited about the Stanley Cup this year. I watched almost every game the Flyers played and it was awesome, but I get that some people don't like it. I don't try to get other people to like it; I am satisfied with watching it. Soccer fans always try to convince you that just because nations are competing with nations now instead of teams within a nation, that the game has somehow become less mind-numbing. It hasn't. That's it.

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