How is it? Pretty good, but not mind blowing, as I expected. I like it, and I have to hand it to the French for coming up with mirepoix, which seems like it would be a good base for many a delicious dish, but I also understand why we order out for Chinese food instead of French. That is, when you order food, you are hungry now and don't want to wait for food to simmer for two hours. Also, bay leaves? A grand conspiracy if I have ever seen one. At best some iota of flavor only after waiting hours. I confess I didn't have the thyme (haha) to do this recipe right, but I imagine that that didn't really change the outcome. On the whole, though, I was pleased with the outcome and would vote a solid would make again if I have the time. I accompanied the meal with Shock Top instead of the recommended sauvignon blanc, but that's thanks to the archaic alcohol laws here in Pennsylvania, which make it possible to buy wine only at liquor stores, of which there aren't any within walking distance. Also, despite Andy's best efforts, all red wine just tastes like weird grape juice to me, and all white wine just tastes like, well, slightly different juice. Shock Top is a kind of meh (we said "meh," M-E-H) Belgian-style witbier (wheat beer) with some orange in it. It's alright, but I can only drink about two before it starts to act strangely in my stomach. On the plus side, it's brewed in good ol' St. Louis. Alright, that's it
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