Sunday, May 13, 2012

Pork Chop Blues

I was messing around on the keyboard the other day, doing one of my favorite tricks for playing the twelve bar blues, which is sort of mashing the flatted third and then the non-flatted third in rapid succession, and I noticed it sort of sounds like an oinking in the lower register, so I sort of threw these lyrics together (it's actually a slightly modified twelve bar blues):

This little piggie went to market
And this little piggie stayed home
This little piggie had pork chops
And this little piggie had none
And this little piggie went
Wee wee wee wee wee
Stick to your bones

Oh, this little piggie likes sausage
Oh, this little piggie likes ham
This little piggie get some bacon
Gonna fry it up in the pan
Gonna make a pig of myself
Gonna eat up all I can

Don't gimme no chicken
That stuff's no good to eat
Don't gimme no turkey
Can't even compete
Just gimme some of that
Other white meat

If little pigs had wings
Away they'd fly
Up to that big old
Mud hole in the sky
But if you wanna get to hog heaven
First you gotta fry

Better not build your house of straw
I'll blow it down on you
Better not build your house of sticks
You know I'll wreck it, too
Ain't no more bricks for houses
I used 'em for my barbecue

So hopefully that's a mildly entertaining post.

1 comment:

kilgore said...

Not bad! Probably better than the Beatles' "Piggies."