Thursday, September 20, 2007


Beard fans rejoice! I know you have been rocking the comments with requests for full views of my beard, so I'll satiate you for now by posting a picture of myself.

There, it's a picture of me and one of my students, drawn by the student. We played karuta, which is basically a game of who can find the right Japanese character first and pick up the card, and osero, or othello, which I didn't know how to play at first, but managed to win at, anyway. Somehow I lost at karuta, but I'm ok with that. A good time was had by that. You can't really see it in the picture, but there is also a handwritten note detailing our activities and the fact that it was fun. Laterz!


Marisa said...

That is so sweet! And it looks just like you, hehe.

Hot Topologic said...

It is a pretty good representation. The use of perspective is amazing.