Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Special Second Update

A couple blogs to read:

Dan's New Blog
- I just added the link to the side, there, too. It seems pretty excellent, and I am only basing that a little bit on the fact that of the seven updates I read, four mentioned me directly. It's a lot of commentary on what my broha Dan is watching or reading.

John's Blog - Awesome as always, but worth noting especially today for the pictures of/update on Buckethead and That 1 Guy. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but it involves everyone's favorite Star Wars robot. The link is always on the right, so check it out if you haven't.


the j link said...

I think the link is usually about as far to the left as you can get. puntastic.

Hot Topologic said...

I giggled at this.