These are two of my three traveling companions. Red hat is Chelsea and white hat is Marisa, aka Ris, aka RZA, aka Marmot (that is just my name for her, but it is pronounced like the French mot, if you are wondering). For an exciting video of these two, look below.
And my final traveling companion, fake construction worker guy at the Eiffel Tower for some reason. I have no idea what that was there for.
This is what the Eiffel Tower would look like if you were standing pretty much right under it. This picture was taken by being pretty much right under the Eiffel Tower.
My phone needs to be checked into Les Invalides because this camera angle is CRAZY. Who would build a sideways dome?
It's not such a bad Christmas tree, Charles de Brun. It just needs a little love. And to be put on the first floor of the Eiffel tower. And then we will close all the other levels so that all people can do is look at it. The top levels were closed when we went up, which I guess is our bad for going during bad weather. :-(
In this video, we can see the Eiffel Tower used for its secret actual purpose, as a lighthouse to prevent airplanes from running into the Eiffel Tower. If you listen very carefully, you can hear the very rare English dialect of French.
Here is that famous French political activism. These people were marching in support of the Gazans, I think (I got that from one of their signs, but I have no idea what they were saying). One person was carrying a sign that read (star of david) + US = (swastika), so maybe they were marching against US support of Israel, as well? Anyway, I guess there was some violence later on, but we only watched this for a few minutes before moving on. Also there was a McDonald's there.
I so need to take more pictures using the "stand under the Eiffel Tower and look up" technology.
have you unpacked your suitcase and discovered your secret letter......
the RZA... an xlnt band and an xlntr friend.
That technology is only for use under strict adult supervision.
I have read the note, thanks. (^_^)
The RZA is no 2 Live Crew.
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