Thursday, August 13, 2009

TV post

Again I was going to liveblog a rerun of Law & Order, but TNT decided to show golf instead this afternoon, so I didn't get to. Then I forgot to do it for one from last season. Since Dan was posting about TV, though, I will, too.

Law & Order is great and pretty much always has been. Tonight's episode was lame because the motivation was really far fetched and there's no way that people would remember minor incidents from twenty years ago, but the plot hinged on them doing just that. Also, the guy who took Jack's place continues to be a shallow imitation of Jack. Also also it is sexist that his assistant DA wasn't promoted ahead of him. But, whatever, fat black cop and scraggly white cop make a good detective pair. I don't always remember the characters' names on that show, but if you watch it, you can probably tell who I mean.

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