Friday, January 29, 2010

Some Movies

Greetings internet. I have not posted in a bit because nothing really happens that is of interest. I did watch a few movies lately, though, so I will share my thoughts on them.

Avatar - If you are alive you have probably heard that the special effects are amazing but the story is not very good. I just want to reiterate that the story is essentially just cliches linked together and I was falling asleep after about the first twenty minutes. None of the characters is interesting in the slightest (don't let reviewers fool you into thinking otherwise about the typical hardass scientist played by Ripley herself), the premise is the kind of ludicrous tripe that gives science fiction a bad name, and even the supposedly vibrant world that Cameron has imagined is fairly dull. Making things glow does not amount to imagination, and it's actually really stupid because there's no reason whatsoever for all these organisms to evolve neon lights. I'd also like to say that the already obvious allegory for Native Americans is pounded into your head over and over again and is actually insulting. Io9 had a good article about how it is a white guilt fantasy. Anyway, I'm done complaining about this movie. Except that the 3D glasses hurt my head. Now I'm done.

The Hurt Locker - The critics really hyped this, and they are right. It is awesome. It's surprisingly funny in a very dark way. Anyway, you should see it.

Sherlock Holmes - Pretty dang good. Robert Downey, Jr. plays himself or Iron Man in old timey clothes, but who doesn't like that? Jude Law actually manages to seem like he's having fun for once instead of being so upset about having to act. The story is fun, with enough mystery to keep you interested between absurd fight scenes. I'm looking forward to a sequel, anyway.

Alright, that's it, go home.


kilgore said...

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Sherlock. Now perhaps someone will go with me to see it :(

j1048576l said...
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j1048576l said...

hey now, "because nothing really happens that is of interest" is not a feasible excuse for silence - I still update, and I've been royally bland since at least november... spill some math, if nothing else; I want to read.

mingus ah um! I'll hunt down this piano album you speak of. I've been listening to a lot of wesley willis lately, which demonstrates that I desperately need something actually interesting and actually music.

Hot Topologic said...

I can't believe nobody wants to go see Sherlock Holmes with you. Does nobody have eyes to see how awesome it is?

Hot Topologic said...

String of numbers, I don't have such an interesting stream of consciousness style to fall back on, though. I'll try to come up with something to do, but I can't translate TeX into blog, I think.