Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day 2: Bad Sequel Joke

I always see things with the number 2 appended to them, and then ":Electric Boogaloo" as a joke. I can't think of any specific times, but it seems like this is a hip joke to make, and every time it comes up I know it is going to happen and that annoys me. I suppose it is awesome to make fun of terrible movies from the 80's, but aren't we past that by this point? Can't we move on to making fun of terrible movies from the 90's?

Regardless, it is yet another snow day here in the city of brotherly love, which is hilarious to me because who cancels college classes, especially two days in a row? But, whatever, it has extended my weekend Wednesday - Monday, I think. I have to check if it is a holiday on Monday or not, but I never have specific work on Fridays and that pleases me in the greatest. I think I can manage a 2 day workweek. Alright, peace out!

1 comment:

Potomac Rubella said...

Monday is Presidents' Day. So, depending on Drexel's love of George Washington, you may or may not have off.

The night's filled with shadows, the years are filled with early doom
I've been conjuring up all these long dead souls from their crumbling tombs.