I don't have anything new to post, so I'll post an old picture of an old favorite, something I can't get in America, even in Philly's Chinatown, which otherwise is full of great stuff, not all of it Chinese, including Pho restaurants, Japanese candy and general Korean weirdness. The food I have missed more than any other is probably natto, which most people think is disgusting, but I just ate another bowl of today.

It's just fermented beans, basically, and it smells sort of awful, but it tastes really good, at least to me, and is apparently awesome for you. I think in the picture, it has shouyu (soy sauce) and karashi (mustard), which is my favorite combination of things to eat it with, but I have been eating it with daikon oroshi (ground up daikon [I think we use the word daikon, right?]) {grouping symbols}, which is also good.
Speaking of grouping symbols, did you know that there is such a thing as a Lie bracket. It looks just like a bracket, but it is named after Lie. Here is an example:
You would think that this is a closed interval containing the endpoints Y and L, but maybe it is an binary operator, defined in some crazy way with a sum of partial derivatives, at least if we are talking about a finite-dimensional vector space.
Math is crazy like that; you always think you know a bunch, and then it turns out you don't know anything.
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