Saturday, November 29, 2008
Mystery Fish

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Commencing Holiday Sequence
Tomorrow (for me, if not for you) is Thanksgiving (for Americans, if not Canadians), which kicks of the holiday season. I don't really get how that works, since basically there are no holidays between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but the holiday season lasts until the first few days of January, so let's say about January 4th. Of course, Thanksgiving is variable as to the day, but this year seems as good as any for an estimate, so the holiday season lasts roughly November 27th-January 4th. That's 4+31+4 = 39 days. If we average that, it is 13 days/holiday. If we look at other holidays, we see how absurd that is. We don't put on costumes October 18th. At least most of us don't. You could argue that these three (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's) are generally bigger holidays, but Thanksgiving is basically just an excuse to eat, and New Year's is basically just an excuse to drink. Also, Thanksgiving is based on a story that isn't true, and Christmas is based on a story that is at best partially true and set at the wrong time of the year.
But, all that nonsense aside, one thing is almost certain about the holiday season. That is, colds. I have a cold now, which probably has something to do with the fact that I spend all day talking to/shaking hands with/ wrestling little kids, who are basically snot factories. But, whatever, it is totally worth it. I have some medicine that I got for free (from a doctor, even!) but I can only take it at night because it makes me drowsy. So, in order to keep going, I've adopted the strategy of drinking vitamin C because I think it somehow helps fight colds. I have no real idea. That's why I bought this:

This bottle of C.C. Lemon (guess what it tastes like?) claims to contain 210 lemons' worth of vitamin C. According to the nutrition facts, that's 4290 mg. I've already drunk half the bottle today, so that's 2145 mg. The recommended dietary allowance is around 40-90 mg/day. Apparently the maximum is 2000mg, though it's not toxic or anything. We'll see what happens, I guess.
One other thing about the holidays. Apparently, it is becoming fashionable for blogs to post Christmas lists. If anyone out there wants to get me something here is what you should do:
1. Write down the price of whatever thing you want to send me.
2. Make out a check for the amount in step one (1) and send it to:
John Link Benefit Fund
370 Interlocken Blvd., Suite 400
Broomfield, CO 80021
3. If you are so inclined, let me know how much you sent.
I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING OTHER THAN THIS. If you send me anything, I will have to take it with me when I return to the states or mail it ahead of time which is sort of costly and annoying. Also, I just don't want anything unless you have a lot of peace on earth and goodwill towards men sitting around.
But, all that nonsense aside, one thing is almost certain about the holiday season. That is, colds. I have a cold now, which probably has something to do with the fact that I spend all day talking to/shaking hands with/ wrestling little kids, who are basically snot factories. But, whatever, it is totally worth it. I have some medicine that I got for free (from a doctor, even!) but I can only take it at night because it makes me drowsy. So, in order to keep going, I've adopted the strategy of drinking vitamin C because I think it somehow helps fight colds. I have no real idea. That's why I bought this:

This bottle of C.C. Lemon (guess what it tastes like?) claims to contain 210 lemons' worth of vitamin C. According to the nutrition facts, that's 4290 mg. I've already drunk half the bottle today, so that's 2145 mg. The recommended dietary allowance is around 40-90 mg/day. Apparently the maximum is 2000mg, though it's not toxic or anything. We'll see what happens, I guess.
One other thing about the holidays. Apparently, it is becoming fashionable for blogs to post Christmas lists. If anyone out there wants to get me something here is what you should do:
1. Write down the price of whatever thing you want to send me.
2. Make out a check for the amount in step one (1) and send it to:
John Link Benefit Fund
370 Interlocken Blvd., Suite 400
Broomfield, CO 80021
3. If you are so inclined, let me know how much you sent.
I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING OTHER THAN THIS. If you send me anything, I will have to take it with me when I return to the states or mail it ahead of time which is sort of costly and annoying. Also, I just don't want anything unless you have a lot of peace on earth and goodwill towards men sitting around.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
野菜? 果物? 決めてよ!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
And, with one night of snow, fall passes out of the world and leaves us with a frozen slush winter...:-(
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Nation, Activate!
It recently came to my attention that my sister in law has started a blog about life in Virginia. I read through every post, and have yet to find mention of me. Furthermore, I found this in an update about my younger brother moving in:
So Dan moved in this weekend - the entire family came down, including his beautiful girlfriend, who I just adore.
Last time I checked, I was part of this "family," but I've never even been to Virginia. I think somebody is trying to retcon me out of existence just because I am not in the country.
THIS WILL NOT STAND (this aggression, man...)
Nation, and by nation, I mean people who read this blog, I call on you in the most childish manner possible to comment on her blog, comment on Dan's blog, call them, email them, write your senator, whatever you can, until I am mentioned in this blog that has a somewhat tenuous connection to me. We're going to grassroots me back into existence. Yes we can. I like Ike. Million points of light. Bring it on.
So Dan moved in this weekend - the entire family came down, including his beautiful girlfriend, who I just adore.
Last time I checked, I was part of this "family," but I've never even been to Virginia. I think somebody is trying to retcon me out of existence just because I am not in the country.
THIS WILL NOT STAND (this aggression, man...)
Nation, and by nation, I mean people who read this blog, I call on you in the most childish manner possible to comment on her blog, comment on Dan's blog, call them, email them, write your senator, whatever you can, until I am mentioned in this blog that has a somewhat tenuous connection to me. We're going to grassroots me back into existence. Yes we can. I like Ike. Million points of light. Bring it on.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Fight Scene
This is probably the greatest fight scene I've ever seen. It's from Tom Yum Goong, also known as The Protector.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Got Some Pictures for You
I'm becoming like a kanji master over here. But that's not what this update is about. This is about a MULTIMEDIA EXPERIENCE.

This is the best beer I've had here. It's both premium and seasonal and comes from Kirin. Also, it gets bonus points for having a sweet bottle. It says, "Seasonal brew with rich, unique flavor from non-filtered process." I can't get this in my town, so when I happen to be in this other town, I stop by the grocery store to pick it up.

This is a new one from Kirin called Strong Seven. Its selling point seems to be that the alcohol content is slightly higher than normal at 7%. Its taste leaves something to be desired, but it's still way ahead of Steel Reserve.

This is Sapporo's winter seasonal, Fuyumonogatari, 冬物語, meaning "The Winter's Tale." It isn't bad, but it's nothing remarkable. A little weak for a Japanese beer, but then again, it's Sapporo...The can says ii fuyu wa, ii biiru kara, a statement that demonstrates the wonderful ability to be really ambiguous in Japanese, but roughly means, "A good winter, from a good beer."

"Shirokirin is the original brew for winter season. Mild and refreshing taste fits your winter delight." It's happoushu, cheap beer, but not bad for what it is. It's color is pretty light, which is both evident from the picture and expected from the name.

This is Yebisu. As I said, I'm getting pretty bayd at reading kanji, but I had to look these up: 琥珀, kohaku, the name of the beer, which apparently means "amber." The name fits, if you look at the picture, because it's a wonderful amber color. It also tastes just as good as it looks, so if you are into amber-colored beers and happen to be living in Japan, keep an eye out because it is a limited brew, I guess.

This is Toretate Hoppu, freshly picked hops, which is the beer I had to try in celebration of Barack's win. It's ok. That's my kitchen in the backgroud, with some poorly done calligraphy just hanging there at the top. Now for more exciting stuff!
If you can make it out over all the craziness, that's Birdland being played at some jazz festival I went to a long ways back. Jazz band, good times.
That's sort of what a taiko festival sounds like, at least when filtered through a crappy cell phone mic. It's also from a while back. And now for what you've all been waiting for. A picture of me...

As drawn by the wonderful Haruna, aged 6 (I think?).

This is the best beer I've had here. It's both premium and seasonal and comes from Kirin. Also, it gets bonus points for having a sweet bottle. It says, "Seasonal brew with rich, unique flavor from non-filtered process." I can't get this in my town, so when I happen to be in this other town, I stop by the grocery store to pick it up.

This is a new one from Kirin called Strong Seven. Its selling point seems to be that the alcohol content is slightly higher than normal at 7%. Its taste leaves something to be desired, but it's still way ahead of Steel Reserve.

This is Sapporo's winter seasonal, Fuyumonogatari, 冬物語, meaning "The Winter's Tale." It isn't bad, but it's nothing remarkable. A little weak for a Japanese beer, but then again, it's Sapporo...The can says ii fuyu wa, ii biiru kara, a statement that demonstrates the wonderful ability to be really ambiguous in Japanese, but roughly means, "A good winter, from a good beer."

"Shirokirin is the original brew for winter season. Mild and refreshing taste fits your winter delight." It's happoushu, cheap beer, but not bad for what it is. It's color is pretty light, which is both evident from the picture and expected from the name.

This is Yebisu. As I said, I'm getting pretty bayd at reading kanji, but I had to look these up: 琥珀, kohaku, the name of the beer, which apparently means "amber." The name fits, if you look at the picture, because it's a wonderful amber color. It also tastes just as good as it looks, so if you are into amber-colored beers and happen to be living in Japan, keep an eye out because it is a limited brew, I guess.

This is Toretate Hoppu, freshly picked hops, which is the beer I had to try in celebration of Barack's win. It's ok. That's my kitchen in the backgroud, with some poorly done calligraphy just hanging there at the top. Now for more exciting stuff!
If you can make it out over all the craziness, that's Birdland being played at some jazz festival I went to a long ways back. Jazz band, good times.
That's sort of what a taiko festival sounds like, at least when filtered through a crappy cell phone mic. It's also from a while back. And now for what you've all been waiting for. A picture of me...

As drawn by the wonderful Haruna, aged 6 (I think?).
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Culture Day
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