This is the best beer I've had here. It's both premium and seasonal and comes from Kirin. Also, it gets bonus points for having a sweet bottle. It says, "Seasonal brew with rich, unique flavor from non-filtered process." I can't get this in my town, so when I happen to be in this other town, I stop by the grocery store to pick it up.

This is a new one from Kirin called Strong Seven. Its selling point seems to be that the alcohol content is slightly higher than normal at 7%. Its taste leaves something to be desired, but it's still way ahead of Steel Reserve.

This is Sapporo's winter seasonal, Fuyumonogatari, 冬物語, meaning "The Winter's Tale." It isn't bad, but it's nothing remarkable. A little weak for a Japanese beer, but then again, it's Sapporo...The can says ii fuyu wa, ii biiru kara, a statement that demonstrates the wonderful ability to be really ambiguous in Japanese, but roughly means, "A good winter, from a good beer."

"Shirokirin is the original brew for winter season. Mild and refreshing taste fits your winter delight." It's happoushu, cheap beer, but not bad for what it is. It's color is pretty light, which is both evident from the picture and expected from the name.

This is Yebisu. As I said, I'm getting pretty bayd at reading kanji, but I had to look these up: 琥珀, kohaku, the name of the beer, which apparently means "amber." The name fits, if you look at the picture, because it's a wonderful amber color. It also tastes just as good as it looks, so if you are into amber-colored beers and happen to be living in Japan, keep an eye out because it is a limited brew, I guess.

This is Toretate Hoppu, freshly picked hops, which is the beer I had to try in celebration of Barack's win. It's ok. That's my kitchen in the backgroud, with some poorly done calligraphy just hanging there at the top. Now for more exciting stuff!
If you can make it out over all the craziness, that's Birdland being played at some jazz festival I went to a long ways back. Jazz band, good times.
That's sort of what a taiko festival sounds like, at least when filtered through a crappy cell phone mic. It's also from a while back. And now for what you've all been waiting for. A picture of me...

As drawn by the wonderful Haruna, aged 6 (I think?).
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