But, all that nonsense aside, one thing is almost certain about the holiday season. That is, colds. I have a cold now, which probably has something to do with the fact that I spend all day talking to/shaking hands with/ wrestling little kids, who are basically snot factories. But, whatever, it is totally worth it. I have some medicine that I got for free (from a doctor, even!) but I can only take it at night because it makes me drowsy. So, in order to keep going, I've adopted the strategy of drinking vitamin C because I think it somehow helps fight colds. I have no real idea. That's why I bought this:

This bottle of C.C. Lemon (guess what it tastes like?) claims to contain 210 lemons' worth of vitamin C. According to the nutrition facts, that's 4290 mg. I've already drunk half the bottle today, so that's 2145 mg. The recommended dietary allowance is around 40-90 mg/day. Apparently the maximum is 2000mg, though it's not toxic or anything. We'll see what happens, I guess.
One other thing about the holidays. Apparently, it is becoming fashionable for blogs to post Christmas lists. If anyone out there wants to get me something here is what you should do:
1. Write down the price of whatever thing you want to send me.
2. Make out a check for the amount in step one (1) and send it to:
John Link Benefit Fund
370 Interlocken Blvd., Suite 400
Broomfield, CO 80021
3. If you are so inclined, let me know how much you sent.
I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING OTHER THAN THIS. If you send me anything, I will have to take it with me when I return to the states or mail it ahead of time which is sort of costly and annoying. Also, I just don't want anything unless you have a lot of peace on earth and goodwill towards men sitting around.
I don't even know what to say; you're unbelievable.
No, it's no thing. I seriously just don't want anything. Hopefully somebody reads this update. I think you are one of about five people who will.
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