Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I'm just sitting back enjoying National Foundation day, weighing the pros and cons of not moving holidays to the ends of the week and browsing around the internet. I'm sure that the bush fires in Australia are news even in America. I can only guess that media coverage these days is 90% covering the economy, which really only fuels a problem that essentially stems from people not being confident in the economy, but I don't really know. Anyway, I came across some incredible pictures from the brush fires here. And to prove that there's no limit to the stupid stuff jerks will say to get attention, here's a story about some moron who blames the fires on abortion. I probably shouldn't even post it since he just wants attention, but whatever.

This song came up while I was listening to music in the background. I hadn't heard it in a while, and since most of the people who read this blog aren't probably as rabid Dylan fans as I am, you probably haven't heard it in a while either, if ever. The video also has some nice pictures of a young Bob and his then girlfriend, Suze Rotolo. This version is interesting.

To close on a happier note, enjoy this classic.

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