Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pictures of Drinks

The promised picture of beer. This is Kirin W (?), which seems to have just been introduced with little fanfare. It is pretty much the worst beer I have had here, very light on flavor.

You know how on cereal commercials, they always say, "part of a complete breakfast," and then show a picture of the cereal with other breakfast foods, with the pure sugar cereals needing a whole other meal to complete them? Without fail, part of the breakfast is a glass of milk and a glass of orange juice. I always thought that was ridiculous because who does that, and why would you need to drink milk along with cereal IN MILK? Anyway, I actually had both milk and this kind of orange juice substitute (10% juice!) for once, so I thought I would take a picture in memory of all the junk cereals out there.

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