Sunday, May 10, 2009


There will be no further updates (oh no!) until somebody submits a comment in the requested form to my last update.


kilgore said...

I tried, but you already took all the good rhymes of 'star.' I''m trying to work with 'tsar', 'guitar', 'Sammy Hagar,' and maybe 'hasenpfeffar'. Patience.

Hot Topologic said...

Thanks for the effort!

Hot Topologic said...

Also, there are at least five people who can/do comment on my posts with some regularity, so only one response is going to be insufficient to rouse another post, which is too bad because I have a real good food one brewing.

PopsArmstrong said...

Here's a lame attempt:

Twinkle, twinkle
Little Star
How I wonder
Where you are
Could you be trying to make a rhyme?
Could it be my verse’s subpar?
Could you be having a real good time?
How I wonder, little star

Hot Topologic said...

Pretty fantastic effort, actually.