Friday, August 20, 2010

Short Review

Since nobody else appears to be updating, I guess I will have to take the wheel. I saw Inception recently, and I have to say it pretty much lives up to the (ridiculous) hype. It's pretty exciting and the multiple layers keep you interested. The rules are all explained without delving into the mechanics of shared dreaming, which would have been a nightmare (ha ha) to sit through. Instead, we get walked through the rules nicely as the story progresses, just enough to let us understand and not enough to bore us. Good acting and all that. Despite what you may have heard, the story isn't confusing at all; it's very straightforward and easy to follow as long as you can keep track of dreams within dreams (there are only three levels, so it's not like you'll forget what is going on). The ambiguous ending is well done even if it is obvious; if you know the premise of the movie, in fact, you can probably guess the ending without seeing it. Anyway, check it out if you somehow haven't by now.

Also, if you aren't watching the new episodes of Futurama, then you are missing out. They're even better now than before they went off the air.


kilgore said...

I think you're selling the ending short. While it's true that there is a base level of ambiguity with the two obvious possibilities, there are many possible interpretations within those two.

Hot Topologic said...

Details, details. Either his life is a dream or it isn't. Saying that there are more interpretations is akin to saying any work has infinite interpretations because you can always change irrelevant details to create a new interpretation.

Hot Topologic said...

I'm not saying it's a bad ending; far from it, but it's binary and the obvious ending to a movie about doing things in dreams.

kilgore said...

I agree with your point. But the best discussions I had with people about the movie related to who created the dream in which Dom existed at the end. I think it was Michael Caine, giving his son a form of happiness he couldn't obtain for himself, even though it's merely a facsimile.

PopsArmstrong said...

Mom and I actually saw it! I thought it was really cool. I too thought it might be confusing, but it wasn't at all. I thought the ending was very neat. The auience actually gasped when the screen went blank. I hadn't considered whose dream it would be if the top didn't fall. Good thought Dan.

Hot Topologic said...

I hadn't thought of that, either. I'm not sure there's much evidence in any direction, though.