Wa ha! My best investment yet!

It's getting cold here (as in below freezing at points) so I went up to Matsue this weekend to buy some warm clothes, and I happened into a grocery store which had stuff I can't buy in my little town, so I picked up things like this kit for making
okonomiyaki (お好み焼き), which means things that you like cooked. A clever name. What they actually are are cabbage pancakes with various stuff (of your choice!) added, like meat or corn or in my case, squid tentacle bits.

The hot plate in action! すごいなあ!

The white stuff is mayonnaise, with which I best you are all familiar. The brown stuff is a sauce that as far as I know is used exclusively for
okonomiyaki. It's very sweet and probably terrible for you. Whatever.

The little green bits visible there are 青のり, which I think is read
aonori, but I'm not sure. It's just dried seaweed powder which doesn't really add much besides looks.
I also had some delicious beer which I've never seen here, but I forgot to take a picture of it. It's called Super Gent, which is just fantastic in my opinion.

In a completely unrelated picture, no, it isn't an absurdly under ripe tomato; it's a persimmon. They're in season, and called
kaki, or 柿 in kanji. I'd actually never had any before I came here. If you haven't, either, they have a texture kind of like apples and very little taste, but aren't bad at all.
Stay tuned for more updates which will no doubt be about whatever else I eat.