Monday, November 19, 2007

Yeah, More Weird Stuff to Eat

I'm making up for the lack of posts recently by posting a bunch of crap at once.

That beer I picked up in Matsue. It's called akinama, I guess, meaning fall raw, roughly. I'm guessing on the reading because it isn't anywhere on the can. It's a fall beer, so it was marked down, and I don't think I've had it yet, so there. Also, a pretty can, eh?

That reminds me, the leaves finally started changing colors in the last couple weeks. So now it is pretty awesome looking. Also, we got snow last night. Not a whole lot, and it melted by the time I was home from work (it didn't snow in the other part of town which is somehow slightly warmer), but kind of neat, anyway.

The snack there is called ebitcho, which is a combination of ebi, meaning shrimp, and choko(reeto), meaning, you guessed it, chocolate. It is the little shrimp flavored fry snack things that I'm sure I've shown before but covered in chocolate. Weird? That is exactly why I bought it, and I am pleased to say that they aren't bad at all.


IL2VA said...

ooooh, send some of that to me. sounds really tasty!

Hot Topologic said...

Unfortunately, they don't seem to have any here.