Saturday, December 1, 2007

Loan Words

So, the Japanese love loanwords, mostly from English. Of course, sometimes the words they end up with are just weird. Here's a little quiz. Feel free to guess what these words are in English in the comments. No fair if you already speak Japanese.

1. shaapen

2. hochikisu

3. hoomu (that's a double "oh" sound, not like "ooh!")

4. pasokon

5. baito

Good luck.


Marisa said...

sharpen and home?

IL2VA said...

1. shaapen -shopping
2. hochikisu -I am not sure what this is but I bet it is a sound derived word, like Tschick-Feuer=Lighter in Austrian German. Either that or it has something to do with kissing.
3. hoomu -home
4. pasokon -PC (commonly borrowed in a weird way)
5. baito -bite
How'd I do, bro?

Potomac Rubella said...

1. Al Sharpton
2. Hospital
3. Home run!
4. Principal
5. Bicycle

How'd I do, bro?