I made some pancakes with this chocolate banana milk a while back. Typing that makes me think I already posted about that, but it's pretty gosh darn exciting, so pancakes. If you look carefully, you can see the box that the hotplate came in. I ate these pancakes while watching Flight of the Conchords, which is pretty funny and surprisingly understandable for starring a couple New Zealanders. I work with a New Zealander and I honestly can't understand at least half of what she says.

Mmm I love the aroma of green. This beer was pretty decent and seems to be sticking around for the long haul, which makes me happy. It's always sad when some limited time item disappears, but happy when something new comes around, like fried chicken- or "cheese festival"-flavored pringles. If an actual cheese festival tasted like those chips, nobody would like cheese festivals. They'd just wander around the festival grounds licking things trying to ascertain the cheese flavor when really there isn't any and they just taste like chips. Or something

This fish was labeled "seigo" which is not listed in any of my dictionaries. I have a suspicion that the guy who runs the fish store is using the local dialect in labeling the fish. He's a pretty cool dude who works like 20 hours a day. He's my friend's father-in-law and apparently called me moja-kun because he couldn't remember my name and my beard was very moja moja. I can't translate that term; it's just how beards feel, or rather the sound of how beards feel. Japanese is full of words like that. Incidentally, I'm told the hair on my arms is fuwa fuwa. Kids like touching my beard, but I just shaved it off the other night.
When I bought that fish, actually three of them, the cashier asked me out of the blue what I was going to do with it because she had no idea what you do with this fish. I told her I didn't know either and would investigate, which she thought was funny. This is the only time I've seen this fish for sale. I noticed later that the package said it could be used to make sashimi, which means straight up raw fish. Some of the fish is labeled that way, but I never make it into sashimi, and I wasn't going to with this because I didn't notice that until the next day and by then it is too late to eat it raw.

This little dude up here is a konoshiro, which apparently means gizzard shad. Quite the name, eh? Again I hadn't seen the fish before and didn't know what to do with it, but the package said that it made good shioyaki, so I did that. Sort of. That means that you put a ton of salt on it and broil it. I didn't put that much salt on it because why bother. When I say a lot, I mean that the salt is absolutely caked on the fish, like a thick skin, and you just knock a lot of the salt off before eating it.
I have some pictures of flower viewing, but I'll have to get them off my phone and I don't feel like bothering with it right now. Also I'm kind of tired and John Coltrane is helping me on my way to sleep.
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