Thursday, April 2, 2009


My theory about who was bringing me tea in the morning has received more evidence. Today, there was no tea on my desk and the prime suspect is not here. I am too busy fiddling with Catalan numbers to worry much about it.


Anonymous said...

Ok, so you have tea and coffee that mysteriously appear, and I have coffee that mysteriously stays hot all day in an empty house.

What are Catalan numbers>

Hot Topologic said...

It is a mystery...

I linked to the Wikipedia article in the blog post so you can get the same explanation I did, but they are just a set of integers that come up a lot in combinatorics problems.

Combinatorics basically means counting problems.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I missed the wikipedia link - it doesn't show up in my feed reader, only on the blog post itself. (Which another mystery, but I digress.)

Wow, combinatorics...things I didn't learn about in school. :)

Hot Topologic said...

Hmm, weird. I actually added the link after your comment. Originally, I was going to, but figured only John would be interested in it, and he would probably have already alt + t, wikipedia'd it.

The English speaker's native ability to verb any noun is unmatched.

PopsArmstrong said...

Speaking of verbing nouns, I still haven't blogged about my Inorganic class, but I will.