When they're still green, you can use them to flavor alcohol, I think shouchuu, but I'm not sure, to make umeshu, which means plum wine. It's really sweet and most people seem to like it. I didn't do that, however. I bought a bag of ume for 100 yen to see how they were and to see if I could make umeboshi. To do that, one needs salt (not pictured) and a bit of this:

This is called white liquor (howaito rikaa) and it tastes pretty bad on its own, but I guess it isn't really made for drinking. You basically just wash the Japanese apricots in it, then roll them around in a bunch of salt. Then you put them in a bag and put something heavy on top of them for a few days. A bunch of the juice comes out and they sort of pickle in it, getting soft and staying sour. Here's the result:

Normally they are red, but mine are more brown because I didn't put any akashiso, a red leaf in with them because I didn't want to buy a big bag of it for only using a little. They're still good, though. The only annoying part is that they still have the pits in them, so you have to spit those out. Beside the umeboshi, you'll notice a limited time brew from Yebisu which is one of the best beers I've had here. It's not quite as good as the other amber beer I had, though. I have to get that from a convenience store on the other side of town, sadly, because they don't have it at the one by my house. Well, that's it.
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