Cooking is very strange when you aren't using a recipe. It is like art or something because you have to picture what you want beforehand and figure out how to get there. Obviously, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. This time it turned out pretty well, despite the fish seemingly being designed not to be cut up, being a flatfish with all the organs pushed to one side.
Which reminds me, intelligent design is ridiculous. There are only two Americans within an hour of where I live, I'm pretty sure, and neither of them believe in evolution. When somebody mentions that, I instantly lose respect for them. You pretty much have to be an idiot not to think evolution by natural selection is the right theory. It seriously makes me very mad to think that my country is being represented here by people who are not only ignorant but willfully ignorant, and all too happy to spread their disdain for science and reason anywhere they can get a foothold. Seriously, stupids, leave Japan alone.
That's what I love about cooking without recipes, that visualization.
It's all about improvisation. Take my lunch today. It started out as an already-elegant bowl of ramen noodle soup (mmm, noodle soup). Then, my creative juices got flowing, and I added...peas. Voila! A masterpiece.
That sounds suspiciously like my masterpiece, box macaroni and cheese with canned vegetables.
In college, I was addicted to ramen noodles with a sauce made of lime juice, peanut butter, garlic powder, ground ginger, and hot sauce, I'd add some frozen veggies, and have instant Thai food.
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