Tuesday, October 2, 2007


So, I'm trying to come up with places to apply for grad school. Ideas, anyone? U of I sucks because they didn't give me anything but insufficient loans last time, but that's just about the only place that is out specifically. I am basically just looking for a few things:

Doctoral program, preferably either direct or something like a one-year master's-into-doctoral thing.

Actual mathematics, not applied math, statistics (which makes me almost ill), or some kind of engineering thing.

Financial aid such as assistantships, fellowships, or just stipends. Something that will allow me to pretty much do just this, even if it's a typical grad student amount of money, i.e., one step above hobo.

This one's not a deal breaker or anything, but preferably not some craphole of a place.

That's about it. Ideas are appreciated. There are just too many places to figure it out, and I can't just apply everywhere because I will run out of money paying application fees.


Wilshire said...

Arbitrarily.... UConn.

Potomac Rubella said...

You should go to Columbia, I hear they offer great rates for first year students. Or more realistically, UC-Berkeley, Michigan, and UPenn.

Marisa said...

U of M...I think you know what the "M" stands for...

Potomac Rubella said...

Have you opened a university?

Wilshire said...


Hot Topologic said...

I appreciate the ideas, everyone.