ピーマンです。That's right, a tiny green pepper, or piiman, which is a loan word, but, weirdly, not an English one, obviously. I think it's actually from Portuguese, but I don't know for sure.

茄子です。Nasu, which we call eggplant. People love them here, which is good because they are not bad at all. Where could this be going?

That's right. It wouldn't be a meal of mine if it didn't involve some kind of pre-made thing. In this case, it's maabounasu mix. For those who'd like to see the Chinese characters, that's 麻婆茄子. Literally, that means "hemp old woman eggplant," but what it really means is Chinese-style eggplant.

So, there's the impressive meal. I'm pretty sure you are supposed to eat it with rice, but I'm running kind of low on that right now, so I'm saving it for things that really need it. Also, it was supposed to be enough food for 3-4 people, but I think that means little people who aren't hungry. That's it for now. Later.
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