Hey, more ピーマン. This is going somewhere.

The Japanese called carrots ninjin, にんじん。

This is hakusai, what we call Chinese cabbage, I think. It means white vegetable, 白菜。

There's some mix for making maabouhakusai.

And there's the finished product. Delicious.

There's the Asahi Gubinama that I said I would get a picture of. It's not really too good, but not terrible.

In time for my birthday and Halloween, there's a box of BooBerry sent to me by the lovely Marisa. It seems they are constantly changing the box this comes in, but it never seems to make it more popular, as almost no stores ever carry it. Mad props once again.

And the actual cereal. You should really try it. It is so good, and it turns the milk purple!
oh, I'm so glad you like it!
I love it. Thank you so much!
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