Happy Halloween! It's an awesome holiday, even if I just explain it to kids here and don't really do much for it. I got some pie and cookies for it the other day, though, so that is cool. I don't currently have time for much of an update, so enjoy these pictures I found using Google Image Search of some of my favorite Halloween costumes.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! I like the pics. I can just see you trying to fit in to...well...any of those costumes. I am sure that you will celebrate Bunka no Hi / Culture Day in a more rousing manner on Nov 3.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! I like the pics. I can just see you trying to fit in to...well...any of those costumes. I am sure that you will celebrate Bunka no Hi / Culture Day in a more rousing manner on Nov 3.
Actually, all I did on bunka no hi was climb a mountain. Pictures of that are coming soon. Google image search comes through again.
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