Wednesday, August 8, 2007

School Visits

So, today was kind of eventful. I was driven about town to visit some of the elementary schools where I'll be working. It was really hot, though, so I can't remember where the schools were or which ones they all were, which is probably a bad sign. It was nice, though, and there was of course coffee/tea at every school we visited. The point of the visits was just to talk with the principals, not about anything in particular. They're all nice; I just wish I were better at conversational Japanese. At the first school, they were talking about whether or not I could read kanji, which I can do, but I didn't really figure out what they were saying until they'd already decided I couldn't. It's sort of too bad because I'm actually pretty decent with kanji, and it's one of the easier things to study. Ah, well.
My heart's not into blogging today, so I'll keep this short. The only other thing that happened was we ate lunch at a nice restaurant, so I got some unagi, meaning eel. It's what Jo ordered, and since I hadn't had any since I arrived in Japan this time around, I figured that sounded good. She really digs it, like most Westerners, I guess. I think it's pretty alright, too. I could say a lot more about the schools and all, but suffice it to say it was a good time and I'm tired. Later.

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